This month, the BME Department’s newsletter featured highlights from the annual BME day. The newsletter also recognized and congratulated several December 2020 graduates. The full newsletter can be found here.
BME Department November Newsletter
This month, the BME department’s newsletter featured multiple highlights from Professor Zara’s research lab, as well as an announcement about a new networking organization for graduate students in STEM. The full Newsletter can be found here!
BME Department October Newsletter
This month, the BME Department’s newsletter featured highlights from Dr. Papa’s research lab. The newsletter also included multiple grants and publications from department members. The full newsletter can be found here!
BME Department September Newsletter
This month, the BME Department’s newsletter featured highlights of what BME students did over the summer. The newsletter also included several new grants and publications from members of the BME Department. The full newsletter can be found here!
Student Has Papers Accepted by Multiple Conferences and Workshops
Shuyue (Frank) Guan, a Ph.D candidate student, has had a paper abstract accepted by the 49th IEEE AIPR 2020 workshop for oral presentation, a paper accepted by the 32nd ICTAI 2020 conference as a long paper for presentation, and a paper accepted by the 19th ICMLA 2020 conference as a full paper for oral presentation.
Congratulations to Frank for his achievements!