Three of our masters students have successfully defended their masters’ theses this semester, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science. We congratulate them all on their accomplishments and hard work!
Kristina Landino, a student in BME, presented her work on salience in mammograms where she compared various salience detection algorithms in mammograms. Her committee members were Dr. Emilia Entcheva and Dr. Vesna Zderic.
Nada Kamona, a student in the 5-year BS/MS BME program, presented her project on automatic detection of simulated motion blur in mammograms, where she simulated blur mathematically to mimic real blur and developed methods to automatically quantify the blur in the images. Her committee members were Dr. Jason Zara and Dr. Emilia Entcheva.
Lastly, Apurva Singh in ECE, presented her work on tumor heterogeneity and gene mutation. This is a combined study for analysis of radiation therapy efficacy in head-and-neck carcinoma patients. The analysis was also extended to lung and cervical cancer patients. Her committee members were Dr. Milos Doroslovacki and Dr. Kie-Bum Eom.
Apurva Singh

Nada Kamona

Kristina Landino