Students Present at SPIE in Houston, TX

On February 11 and 12, Kristina Landino (BME) and Shuyue Guan (BME), advised by Dr. Murray Loew (BME), each presented a paper at the SPIE Medical Imaging conference, held in Houston, TX

K. Landino and M. Loew. “Comparing salience detection algorithms in mammograms.” (presented by Kristina Landino).

S. Guan, H. Asfour, M. Loew, N. Sarvazyan, and N. Muselimyan. “Lesion detection for cardiac ablation from auto-fluorescence hyperspectral images.” (presented by Shuyue Guan)

*Shuyue Guan presenting his poster at SPIE 2018

*Kristina Landino presenting her project. Photo credit to Dr. Ken Hanson